Welcome to my blog! - The short history of nearly everything... in 2021

Still couple of months ago I have felt as if trapped in a situation without exit. Wanting to have more in life, security freedom and support. Instead I am getting anxiety, bills and insecure feeling about the future. That status quo continued, until I started to learn about investing and financial education. 

I was fortunate to participate in one of the trial mastermind classes organized and met there an amazing group of females, which opened my eyes to the idea that being a woman doesn't mean I should not be able to play the male game of money making. I realized that for most of my life I have been playing that side of me down. People kept making fun of my budgets, lack of spending on shoes and clothes and makeup, my plans, my to-do lists etc. I was expected to be more feminine - whatever that means. 

Learning from other females who demonstrated to me the ability to make money with investments, budget turn arounds, trading and real estate was really inspiring. Unfortunately, apparently I was a tad too much outspoken in the group, and was removed from it because apparently people were afraid of me. I get that a lot. A woman with her own opinion, who calls you on the bullshit and engages with you in fact based discussion is usually referred to as BITCH or WITCH, depending on the century we are considering in history :). 

That experience crushed me a bit, because this pattern repeated many times in my life already. I am aware that in discussions about the subjects I care about I am becoming very emotionless and this also freaks people out. A woman that doesn't crack and cry when you tell her she is stupid, but which comes back at you and point by point proves you the opposite, is not the person you would invite for the tea party. Let's face it :)

But as E. Hemingway said "The world breaks everyone and afterwards many are strong at the broken places."

I decided to continue to learn every day about investing and saving, and to post about it on my instagram channel. I do it on a part time basis and I do not intent to charge anybody anything for the possibility to speak with me. It is my hobby and aim now to share what I learn with other females (primarily) and other interested individuals. 

I know that prior to meeting a female trader, I was afraid of pursuing learning about it. Asking some of the gentlemen in my life who spoke of themselves as investors, they belittled me with "you wouldn't understand" or "it is kind of complicated to explain" or "with such a beautiful face you don't have to worry about it". 

A lot of the content about investing is targeted towards men. The threshold to ask a man some advice is high, even on-line. Why? Because I don't want to hear comments about my intelligence for asking the question or to hear the self pumped hype of how this guy is great. I simply would like to be treated as equal human being with similar brain. 

At some point, me and "the trading lady" :),  started to work on a project of preparing an e-book about investing in options. Originally some men were in the project. But very soon we realized that we were being treated from above and the content started to dive towards male market and that is not what we wanted. Eventually that project fell apart. But I have learned a lot - especially about options trading. I wish I could do that, but on a Finnish IP all the brokerages with options are not allowing me to set up an account. I presume there is some legal restriction about it. 

Still, I have started to trade stocks, swing them, day trade, invest, choose ETFs, learn about dividends and cryptocurrencies. Every day brings a new set of things to read about. This is truly a hobby that keeps on giving. As I was sharing about my findings some of my close friends reached out to me and I realized that there is more females like me, who always wanted to learn, but felt a threshold of starting to learn about it. Mostly because it was always presented as a male thing. 

Anyway, as part of the e-book project, when I tried to convince the guys that this is the true market they should target and cater to, because it is under-catered, I found a list of references to statistical data which indicated that in USA the majority of low income households is having a mother as a breadwinner. The statistics are also shifting this way in EU. 

What does it mean? To me it means that females which are left alone with kids, with limited options of getting additional jobs due to the daycare costs, are alone with the burden of sustaining their children. It is easy to become millionaires when two people work full time and share living costs - in fact majority of millionaire households in USA is having a model of male being the breadwinner and contributing over 80% to the household income. 

It seems that the group which would need the financial independence the most is the group which is thought to be too stupid to understand it. Well are we? Or is it just a game of chances - a chance to be born with penis between our legs, a chance to meeting a man who is not going to abandon us, a man who is going to take responsibility for his children? I don't blame men, neither do I wish to punish them for it, I just want to underline the fact that on start the odds are not even. 

And the only way I believe the situation can be changed is when females start talking to other females about money issues and financial literacy, rather than the shade of lipstick and newest brand of shoes. I believe that females supporting females is not just shouting "you go girl", but actually having open discussions about hard subjects in which we are allowed to ask stupid questions. Because there are no stupid questions really... and most of all, the fact that somebody has questions makes them one of the rare kind of curious people, rather than a sheep that follows the crowd. 

Who am I?

I am 

- a woman,

- a single mother of two amazing girls, 

- a scientist (with a PhD in engineering)

- a vegan (for ethical, environmental and health reasons)

- a person concerned about supporting the case of equality in the world - of which the improvement of the role of females in the world is something I stand very strongly behind. 

That said, I am also a foreigner living in Finland, having a date restricted work contract and my ex sued me for alimonies. I have known him since 2004, which is already 16 years, and I moved to Finland in 2008. In all of that time he has not worked a full year with a full wage, while I kept a full-time job at the university. Essentially, for most of my adult life I have been supporting myself, my kids and my ex. And apparently he thinks this should continue this way, despite us sharing the custody of the girls 50:50. I am pushing the case to the court because according to the guidelines a parent is obliged to first and foremost make sure that an income is obtained in order so that a parent can support his children financially.  Additionally, both of my parents are dead and I have no siblings. 

Anyway, long story short - if I do not bring the money home - we are screwed. 

For many many years this situation has caused me vast amounts of anxiety, to the point in which I had panic attacks, shaking hands and troubles sleeping. Only after reading on investing, setting up a plan, goals, seeing the vision of the future in which the faith of my children and mine is not only dependent on the fact of me having a job, calmed me down. 

The feeling that comes from having the financial literacy and understanding how to leverage money to make money has truly made the world of difference in my life. And for this reason I would like to share it with everybody who is only willing to read/listen. 

My journey will focus primarily on investing. However, the intrinsic part of investing and leveraging money is HAVING LOOSE MONEY. For this reason the aspect of saving, frugal life and side income generation will be discussed as well. Perhaps, something I have figured out may inspire you as well. Who knows. 

I truly believe that the world filled with intelligent independent females who care about their children and teach them how to be independent humans, is providing the possibility to make the world a place that is easier to live in. 

Let's go :*
